Dexelia-Scan scans the documents from a standalone application or even integrated into business applications, whether on PC, tablet or in a Web browser. Dexelia-Scan is compatible with many brands of scanners low, medium and high volumes (ex: Canon, Fujitsu, Kodak,...).
The application also allows to perform processing advanced on the images as well as a content indexing. It includes:
Ease of use: only the necessary functions are presented to operators. Scanning profiles are suitable for ...
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DEXELIA: Digitization for front office and BPO Services

Dexelia is a set of products with the objective of doument digitization, image processing, field extraction and indexing and file publication regardless of the complexity of the business process. Each function (scanning, processing, indexing, publication) can be an autonomous application or be combined with other functions to constitute a complete business application.
Dexelia is designed for:
the final customer who wishes to integrate scanning functions to its business process,
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Use color, but have an image close to the original document, keep all information, preserve the legibility and improve the comfort of reading.
The color is a valuable, if not essential asset for documents which include annotations, stamps, highlights, drawings, graphics or photos in colors such as letters, bills, good order, print administrative, good transport, technical documentation...
For a weight close to that of the black and white, the documents are compressed in their original resoluti...
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